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Change of leasehold

In 2017 the city of Amsterdam started a large project and adjusted the conditions for people living on leased land in the municipality. So, what does that mean?

The municipality owns the land. You as a homeowner only own the building (or apartment). Before 2017 the municipality determined whether your leasehold amount was increased, and by how much.

Since 2017 the municipality provides a number of options. The option that works best for you often depends on your budget, and your plans for the property. These are the three options:

1. Fixing the leasehold for a number of years

The short-term solution is fixing the amount you pay annually for a number of years. The amount the municipality offers you depends on the location of your property. For example: Properties that are located closer to the city center are more expensive.

2. Buying off the leasehold for a number of years

If you pay a fixed amount all at once, you avoid that you have to pay annually. This option can be interesting if you want to sell the property in the near future and offer the new owners some security. In these types of situations people often choose to buy off the amount for 10 or 20 years. It’s also possible to buy off the leasehold long-term, should you continue to live in the property yourself. In that case it could be more interesting to choose a term of 40 or 50 years.

3. Buying off the perpetual period of the leasehold

This is the long-term option, but it’s also the most expensive one. The value of your property increases when you buy off the leasehold. This could be interesting if you want to sell the property in the long run or leave it to you children. You can increase the value of your property with this option, but it is quite expensive to do so.

How does the change of leasehold work?

In 2017 the city of Amsterdam notified all leaseholders of the change. Homeowners were initially required to go to notary offices in Amsterdam for this, but it proved to be too much work for those offices. It’s now also possible to go to offices outside of Amsterdam. For example at NKVDL, located in Zaandam.

You can choose the best option yourself in the portal. We will then notarize your decision. Choose our office in the portal for a quote. After that you will receive an email with the costs and potential dates for an appointment. No further intake is required.

NKVDL is not involved in the decision-making of this project. You can choose one of the three options in the portal yourself and choose NKVDL after this. Do you have any questions during the decision process? Call us anytime – we’re happy to help.

Helder in

juridische zaken