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Drawing up a will

People have a will drawn up for all sorts of reasons. Something we hear quite often is that people feel like the process of drawing up a will is a hassle. Actually, drawing up a will doesn’t have to be complicated at all. It’s very easy to put a lot of things in a document.

How does a will work?

There are a few situations in which it could be useful to have a will drawn up. The most common reason for a lot of people are concerns about what needs to be done after they pass away. Who is going to clean up the house? Who is going to manage the inheritance?
In other cases, people might be concerned about the inheritance tax and want to avoid that a lot of tax is levied on the money they have earned in their lifetime. In this situation a will can also come in handy.
And lastly, a will gives you the opportunity to take control of certain situations. For example: Is the relationship between you and your family not good and do you want to decide who inherits what from you? These are things that you put in a will. The law contains a basic provision, but this doesn’t cover all the points you probably would like. There are a few rules about who you can exclude from your will. If you don’t want someone to inherit money from you, it is possible to make arrangements for that. You can also add charity organizations to your will.

How does NKVDL do this?

Fortunately, drawing up a will is very easy. This process consists of three steps:

1. Intake

The intake can take place virtually or by phone, or at our office. During this first meeting we can discuss all your needs and concerns.

2. Proposal

After the intake the notary will put everything you discussed in a document. The result is a proposal with a provisional will. We will send this document to you, and you can take all the time you need to have a look at it. The second appointment will take place a few weeks later.

3. Signature

During the second appointment you will discuss the entire proposal with the notary. Are you happy with the contents of the proposal? Then you can sign the document straight away. Are a few things still missing? Feel free to add anything you’d like.
After singing, the will is immediately legally valid. We will send it digitally or provide a printed copy you can take with you. We will make sure it’ll be added to the national registers.

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